Summer Wedding Season Survival Guide for Wedding Creatives


Ah, summer! The sun is shining, the flowers are in full bloom, and love is undoubtedly in the air. But if you’re a wedding professional, you know that this idyllic scene comes with its own set of challenges. The summer wedding season can be exhilarating, but it’s also exhausting. So, how do you keep up the pace without burning out? Buckle up, because I’ve got a treasure trove of tips to help you stay energized, organized, and joyous during these bustling months.

1. Stay Hydrated: The Secret Weapon Hydration might sound like a no-brainer, but it’s often overlooked during the mad dash of wedding setups and tear-downs. Carrying a water bottle isn’t just good practice; it’s essential. Dehydration can sneak up on you, leading to fatigue and decreased focus—two things you can't afford when you’re making sure the bride’s day goes off without a hitch. Aim for 8-10 glasses a day, and jazz it up with slices of cucumber or citrus if plain water doesn’t excite you.

2. Smart Scheduling: Your Best Friend During summer, the thin line between personal and professional life blurs even more. It’s crucial to manage your calendar wisely. Try to avoid back-to-back bookings if possible. Spacing events gives you breathing room to recharge both physically and creatively. Also, use technology to your advantage—apps like Google Calendar or Trello can help keep track of your commitments and to-do lists in an organized and efficient way.

3. Dress for Success—and Comfort Outdoor weddings mean exposure to the elements, so dress accordingly. Invest in lightweight, breathable fabrics that allow you to move freely. A good pair of comfortable shoes can be a game-changer, especially when you’re on your feet all day. And don’t forget accessories like sunglasses and a sturdy hat to protect you from the summer sun.

4. Fuel Your Body Right When you’re running from one venue to the next, it's tempting to grab fast food, but poor nutrition can leave you feeling sluggish. Plan and pack nutritious snacks like almonds, yogurt, or fruit. If meal prep seems daunting during your busiest weeks, consider a meal delivery service to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to keep your energy up.

5. Prioritize Mental Health The constant "go, go, go" of wedding season can take a toll on anyone’s mental health. Schedule regular check-ins with yourself. How are you feeling? What do you need? Perhaps it’s a quiet morning with a book, a session with a therapist, or a yoga class. Maintaining your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

6. Delegate When Possible You might be used to doing everything yourself, but delegation is key during the high season. Whether it’s hiring an assistant or outsourcing tasks like social media management, recognizing that you don’t have to go it alone can alleviate stress and improve your business’s efficiency.

7. Network and Collaborate Networking might seem counterintuitive when your schedule is packed, but building relationships with other wedding professionals can provide support and open doors to new opportunities. These connections can also lead to collaborations that might help distribute the workload or bring new business in slower seasons.

8. Regular Breaks and Downtime Make sure to schedule short breaks during events and significant downtime between them. These pauses are vital for preventing burnout. Even a five-minute meditation or a quick walk outside can reset your energy and improve your focus.

9. Celebrate Your Wins Take time to celebrate successes, both big and small. Whether it’s a thank-you note from a happy couple or pulling off a wedding with zero hitches, acknowledging these victories can boost your morale and motivate you for future events.

10. Plan for the Off-Season Lastly, use the busy season to plan for slower times. Set goals, update your portfolio, and think about marketing strategies for the off-season. This proactive approach ensures that your business remains strong year-round.

Summer weddings are a whirlwind of excitement and hard work. By taking care of yourself—your body, your schedule, your attire, and your mental health—you ensure that every event is not only a success for your clients but also a joy for you to execute. Remember, the best way to take care of others is by starting with yourself. So, sip that water, stretch your legs, and bask in the glow of a job well done. Here’s to a successful—and sustainable—wedding season!

At The Social Attendant, we love all things social media and helping wedding professionals take their businesses to the next level. Lori was a wedding planner for 18 years and has been helping wedding creatives like you since 2020 with their social media management, consulting/coaching, and virtual assistant tasks . Let’s chat about how we can help!


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